Tuesday 18 May 2010


I was wondering today who came up with the idea of exams and so took the liberty of googling it. Apparently it was the Byazntines (Ancient Greeks, I think).

It's actually an ingenius idea, but exams are so commonplace that they serve as nothing more than worries or pests. The idea of being tested is one central to Islam- life being a test from God- and central to our education system. If we took away exams, what would we have? Learning for the sake of learning? Would people learn for the sake of learning? Would people still follow religions if the concepts of Hell and Heaven were taken away (although, to be fair, Christianity and Islam are the only religions with a focus on Heaven and Hell, and even Christians now deem Hell to be 'an absence of God')?

So, yes, I have exams as of Friday (unless you count the Arabic exams I've had- but they were a resit because I wanted a better grade than the one I got. After having sat the exams, I can predict that I won't get a better grade but that's fine by me). I started revision on Saturday and even that has been fraught with procrastination. I do maintain that exams are a good idea, but that doesn't stop me moaning my way through them. There's no doubt that, however long exams have been along, moaning has been around a lot longer. And even if exams are developed or abolished altogether, moaning will be around for as long as the human race is.

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