Sunday 16 May 2010


Perspective. Persipicire (to look at closely) +

It's a beautiful thing. I didn't realise how self-pitying people were until I joined Facebook. It's well nigh impossible to scroll through the f/b home page without seeing that 50 of my friends have joined a group called "OMDZ , I SMILE BUT U HAV NO IDEA WHAT I GO THRU!!1one". Really? To be honest, I don't doubt that some of them have legitimate woes and they by all means have every right to complain. It's just that for a lot of them, I suspect their biggest problem is that two of their friends have broken up, or they're not doing as well at Maths as they should or another such petty problem. It's all fair and well being upset for those reasons, but it's also a tad frustrating for me as an outside observer when they dismiss the suffering of third-worlders and reduce it to "they shouldn't have babies" or "they should do the best with what they have". How can you expect empathy but give none in return?

They're lucky; I'm lucky; chances are you're lucky, but people are immune to the goodness in their lives (and I'm guilty of this too) which is sad. When I was younger, I thought that everyone was happy. This progressed to "most people are happy" when I learned about depression and other mental illnesses. Now I'm coming to realise that barely anyone would classify themselves as "happy" and that's it's hardly a static sentiment anyway. Maybe people have a twisted perception of happiness? Happiness doesn't mean being constantly satisfied and in a constant state of enjoymentent. It just means... being happy.

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